Where My Parents Left Off - December 27, 2010
My name is Rachel. I can't tell you much more. Of course, I doubt you really care. I was named after my dad's cousin. She was said to be a beautiful, blonde leader that had no fears. I hope to someday be like her. She seemed pretty cool. She died when she was a teenager though. All I know is she was murdered by my dead uncle, Tom Berenson. My parents, Jake and Cassie Berenson, don't really like to talk about it. Rachel was, of course, my dad's cousin and my mother's best friend. So now I have to tell you where I'm headed. I found out about the death of my cousin. As it turns out, my parents we're heroes. Now, if that's not weird than I have no clue of what is. It all happened about a month ago. I was sitting in front of my mirror, brushing my long, black hair and trying to think about my future, when I hear a noise behind me. When I turn, a ghostly creature was behind me. "Ah!," I screamed in shock. "Who are you?" In a calm and simple voice he merrily said "I am Ellimist. Your parents know me. Do not tell me you don't know of your parents gifts?" Dumbfounded, I shook my head. "Oh? Well, long before you were born there was a war. Not between humans, but between these slug-like creatures called Yeerks and a friendly species of Andalites, or, creatures that somewhat resemble deer but have the power to transform into any animal or human who's DNA they aquire. Well, one of them, a king, gave your parents this power. They were sent ot keep the Yeerks from enslaving the entire human race by entering their ear canal, wrapping around every crevice in their brain, and controling them. Your parents succeeded after a long time and defeated the Visser One. Now, it's your turn. You have been born with the ability to shift shapes since your parents are both Animorphs. Now I must leave, and you must keep your gift secret. But there are others like you. Goodbye." And like that, he was gone.