![](https://0294df1a65.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/cac7457575528f6734827141eced39b5/200000002-97e1798c62/Writers Unite Gallery.png?ph=0294df1a65)
This Song Is Only Half The Story (Dead Ends) - Feburary 1, 2011
So now, I’m stuck at a dead end
Chasing you while you’re chasing him
Do I turn back now or risk being friends?
Either way I’ll be finishing with a grin
If my life was a novel, it wouldn’t sell a copy
The grammar sucks and the plot is sloppy
I wish you’d looked at me just once in a while
If you whistle, I’ll come running with a smile
But if this song is just half the story
I’ll redirect you toward the mirror
But be quick else you’ll bore me
The chase is the fun of it, the other half is her
I wish I’d been considered just once
My jealousy turns me against my friend
Give me a chance to share the fun
But now, I’m stuck at a dead end
It defies me, you don’t even know him
You just decided to hurt me on a whim
I wish you’d looked at me just once in a while
If you’d whistled, I’d have run a mile
But if this song is just half the story
I’ll redirect you toward the mirror
But be quick else you’ll bore me
The chase is half the fun of it, the other half is her
My only solace is I know it won’t happen
I’ll be happy in the end, I’ll be laughing
Spite doesn’t just suit me
It’s the only thing for me
But when the tears streak down your cheek
I’ll still coming running, because that’s just me
But if this song is just half the story
I’ll redirect you toward the mirror
But be quick else you’ll bore me
The chase is the fun of it, the other half is her
Stuck at dead ends with nowhere else to go
I’m tired of saying it, you already know
But if you say it again
I’ll break your neck
But if this song is just half the story
I’ll redirect you toward the mirror
But be quick else you’ll bore me
The chase is the fun of it, the other half is her
-Jake Scott