The Pulse: Adam Fury - April 18, 2011
Get this-- I was walking down Central Park, right? You know... on the move, looking out for the Superhero's( that what I call em' now. ), giving all the civilians a good look at my scarred eye. Minding my own buisness. I loved the way they gagged when they saw the red, permanent scar strecthing across my right eye. I made sure I smiled when they saw me, taking pride in my scar. Then, some smart alec kid has the guts to speak up. And normally, no one speaks to me. Not ever.
" Hey, yo! Scar Face! "
Me being me, I whirled around, fists clenched and ready to give the wisecrack all I got. The mystery kid held up his hands defensively.
" Whoa!! Chill, bro!! No need to start throwin punches!! " He retorted, looking afraid for a few moments. As I began to take a better look at the twerp, I realized he had platinum hair. Platinum. And his eyes were like 2 black marbles. Talk about mysterious.Hardcore. Was he a Superhero...?
" I just wanted to say that your gloves are totally wicked, bro. Where they heck did you get those? " I stared at him for a sec, then down at my gloves. They were black and tattered, studded at the knuckles so my punches would have more effect. I never thought they were much of a big deal.
If I cared what his opinion was, I would of been polite and said thank you, but instead, I replied, " Why do you care? Your lucky I didn't punch the crap outta you when you made that wise crack!! "
Ha. He would of felt more then a punch if I decided to show my true power. Regardless, I saw people turning heads. I was going to draw a crowd if I didn't stop now.
No yelling, Leon, I thought to myself. Don't draw attention. Avoid being heard.
Listening to myself, I just turned away from the guy and began walking away. But, you know what? That didn't stop him. He started to follow me. If this kept going, I swear, I'll--
" The name's Adam. Adam Fury. What's yours? Bet it's something totally awesome. " He babbled. I just kept right on walking, trying to ignore him. I noticably began to pick up my pace. He's basically leaning over my shoulder, prevoking me to just turn around and give him one of my speical roundhouse kicks. " Hey, bro? Where'ya going? Your walkin pretty fast there. Is it somewhere important? Can I come with? Cause' I have like, No were to go. My parents kicked me outta of the house. Isn't that whack? I don't think they want me no more. But, yo, they left me with my Great Grandma. She doesn't even remember my freaking name. So I bailed, right? And then I-- "
Man, was this nutjob going to tell me his whole life story?! With my low patience and possible A.D.H.D, I might bust a cap on this loon. For one thing, I knew he wasn't a Superhero. To annoying. Superhero's were more quiet and serious. This guy was just a straight up motormouth. I quickened my pace, trying to loose him. I exited Central Park and started weaving my way through civilians. I didn't even know what street I was on. Sooner or later, the Superhero's were going to show up. I didn't want to get Adam killed, even though was as annoying as heck. He was still hot on my tail. And he was still talking.
" Man, your really in a hurry. How'd you get that scar on your face anyways? I mean like, it must've been pretty bad if stretchin from your eye to the side of your freaking chin. Are you a thug? Gang member? Criminal? Cause' no one can get in a fight, and get that bad of a scar. Dang, man,I mean-- "
I was boiling now. He really wanted a nice punch in the gut, didn't he? I'm just about to--
" So are you gonna tell me your name, or what? Cause' I really-- "
I turned around, rage seen on every part of my face. " Will you shut up?! Why the heck are you following me?!! " I yelled. No, Leon! Shut yourself up!! Stay out of trouble!! I ignored my thoughts this time, and kept yelling. Danger was around the corner. " You don't even freaking know me!! Just get outta of here!!! "
The look on his face was blank. Taken aback. I wanted to laugh, be annoying, see how he liked it. His platinum hair stuck up in spikes, with obvious gel. " A-alright, bro... I g-guess I'll get going... Sorry for being a b-bother, I guess..." Adam slowly stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking to the floor. I couldn't see his eyes. Just what I didn't what started to happen: a crowd was forming. People were watching, murmuring. Damn. I was just about to make a break for it when screams were heard up ahead, down 52nd avenue. Guns were fired. The people of the crowd turned there attention to the street. Adam's head flew up, fright written all over his pale face. The Superhero's have arrived. And this time, they weren't alone.
-Kin Kazama