Romantically Haunted - October 30, 2010
My name is Ryder. And i live in a small town. A small town with a secret. I stared at the old house. I had heard so many stories about it being haunted or some mask murderer hiding out there. Normal crap that spreads through cities with an abandoned house with chipped grey paint and dark windows. I could almost believe that is was haunted looking at it. Inside was completely cloaked in shadows. The outside was eerie and quiet but you could almost hear the creepy music that was playing in your head. I heard a few people walking down the street and I quickly looked ahead. And sure enough it was her. Her name was Tyler. She was my best friend but I was in love with her. And I wasn’t sure if she felt the same but oh well. It didn’t bug me….much. “Hey there darling, what’s up?” she said walking toward me laughing her laugh. She was outgoing and liked to call everyone “honey” or darling” or “love”. She brushed on her brown hairs out of her face and smiled. “Staring at a house, how about you?” I said laughing. She gave me the look she does when i act sarcastic. “Sorry. But what do you think of this house? Is it haunted?” I asked her. She laughed and looked up at one of the windows that had an orange jack-o-lantern. It was smiling. The candle was out of course but it still gave the house a lighted element. “Umm well maybe by that smiling pumpkin, but not by Mr. Bates’ ghost” she replied. I laughed. Mr. Bates owned the house and he dies of a massive heart attack but they say they never found his body. And of course that his soul still reaps the house that he died in. “Lets stay the night there then, we’ll make that decision, together” I said. “Okay fine, this Friday, I will see you there babe” she said. Oh, why does she have to do that to me? “Alright, see you later Tyler", call me tonight” I said walking away from the house.
That Friday it was raining and the whole city was eerie. It was Halloween night. On my way to the house, I passed tons of kids trick-or-treating and missed being little for a minute. Finally I saw Tyler through the crowd. “Ready?” I asked. She shook her head and we began walking up the path to the giant house. Many kids stopped and stared at the sight, others screamed “Don’t do it!” But we were anyway. We were able to pick the lock with a bobby pin like in the movies and get in. As soon as I stepped through the door, the creepy feeling rose higher. I shivered and Tyler laughed but seemed uneasy herself. She fumbled forward looking for a light switch and I laughed at her. Just forget it, i brought lanterns and candles and flashlights” I said pulling out the bag holding them all. Then I pulled out a smaller bag “and back up batteries” I laughed. We explored for a bit and saw it was just a normal house. It wasn’t really eerie, just sad. We sat down in front of the fireplace to eat and talk. We talked about all the Halloweens we’d spent together since we knew each other. Which is every Halloween. Every holiday actually. Okay, everyday. Then we got to an awkward topic. “Have you ever had a crush on me?” she asked. Oh no..I have to be honest. She moved closer. I could feel her breath. The eerie house became sad and now, its romantic. Wow. “Yes, have you?” I spat out quickly acting like it was nothing. “Well yeah, I do” she answered. “Okay, well that’s cleared up…wait, what? Do?” I asked confused. “Yes, do, actually I’ve liked you my whole life, and I think I love you, wait, you couldn’t tell?” she asked. Then I thought back. I remembered everything now. So many little hints over the years, so many things, and I just ignored them. “I love you too” I smiled. It just slipped out but it was out. She smiled. And then we began leaning closer but then a loud crash, a moan, and lights started flickering. “What was that?” she asked inches from my face. “Horrible timing?” I joked. She gave me that look again. Then a dark figure appeared in the doorway. My mouth dropped and gently touched hers. She pulled back. “You okay?” she asked. I just shook me head “no”. I couldn’t breathe. I could feel the color draining from my face. She turned around and screamed. We jumped up and tried to run but the figure was fast and he got Tyler. “No!” and I threw a flashlight at the figure but he dodged and it hit Tyler. Oops. “Idiot, run!” she screamed. She didn’t care about herself or the fact that she might have a concussion but she cared about me getting away. But I wouldn’t do it. Not without her. But then as I was about to throw something, lights filled the room and the figure disappeared. I looked over at the window and the smiling pumpkin was gone. I was so scared. So many questions, but i wasn’t going to answer them. i looked at Tyler and we both shook our heads. We were leaving. We packed up and ran out of the house. We didn't lock the door because maybe one day someone else can answer those questions. On our way out, we looked up at the house, and the lights went back out. And the smiling pumpkin reappeared in the window. We both shivered. We interlocked our fingers and began walking back home when we ran into two little kids. A little boy and little girl. They asked us what we were doing and we explained about the house and the crazy adventure we had. The kids seemed shocked but amused. The boy turned to the girl and said “May, when we get older, we’re answering those questions ok?” She shook her head in agreement. “Okay Aaron, we will” she smiled. Me and Tyler ended up kissing that night. Right in front of them and they looked at each other weird but looked away blushing. We all knew what was going to happen. Me and Tyler walked them home and said goodbye. We passed the house again and smiled. The house was defiantly something else, but what?
My name is Aaron. I live in a small town. A small town with a secret. “Aaron, wait up!” A girl’s voice filled the air….. She stopped to stare at the house from our childhood and smiled. She looked at me and we shook our heads in agreement. “Next Friday night, Halloween” I said. She smiled slyly.
Happy Halloween All.