RISING SUN - July 1, 2011
Life has a lot to offer sometimes
When every tick of the clock counts
And every risk taken is bountiful.
But can get overwhelming at times
Too much to accomplish, yet
Too much to give up.
Time has an annoying habit
Of passing in strange lurches
When you are all but,
Anticipating what is to come.
Pain may be inevitable
But suffering is always optional.
How elegant, how fulfilling it is
To float in the arms of
The most fickle of all.
Elation is only an illusion for
Just when the contentment is tempting,
It is rudely snatched away.
Often the hardest choice is between
Wallowing in self pity, and
Being lulled into a sense of security.
Evade both, and live in the moment.
Beyond the dark, menancing clouds,
There is always a rising sun.
-Maya Ravichandran