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Rise of Darkness, Book 7/12 - October 16, 2010
The War Begins
It was sixteen years after the Shadow Realm was freed from the wrath of the evil Count Van Rogue. Danny was sitting in his throne, in the mighty, brick castle that loomed over the battlefield were a war was taking place. One of the scholars burst into the throne room. “Sir, you are needed on the battlefield. An army of goblins and ogres are approaching from the east, and we’ve ran out of sergeants to lead our armies.” Danny slid his sword into its sheath and shot out the door. He ran down the spiraling staircase that lead out to the main gate.
He arrived at the bottom of the staircase into the front entry way were a group of soldiers awaited him. The soldier in the front of the group was the first to speak up. “Sir, we are ready to fight.”
“Alright, follow me.” Danny rapped the door three times with his knuckles. The doors swung open and Danny and his troop stepped onto the battlefield. “This way.” Danny ordered. They marched eastward to the location the enemy troops were coming from. As soon as his army got closer, Danny was surprised to see who was leading the opposing army: Count Van Rogue. “I thought I killed you sixteen years ago.” Danny snarled, pulling his blade out. “I see you still have that worthless blade of yours.” The Count said lifting his head to show his glistening fangs sliding out of his jaw. “The only things worthless on the field are you and your army.”
Danny was the first to attack. He lunged straight for him, aiming for his heart. Rogue parried the attack and slash at his head. Danny ducked and slashed at his legs. Rogue jumped, did a flip with his sword over his head and came down with his sword in a stabbing position. Danny flipped backward, barely missing the vicious blade’s swift motion. Danny slashed at Rogue, cutting his arm with the tip of his blade. No blood came out of the wound. “I thought you could do better than that.” The Count said in his raspy voice. “After all, I did ‘die’.” He threw back his head in a menacing laugh.
“B-b-but I saw you turn to ash!” Stammered Danny. “Well think again!” He lunged at Danny, mouth wide open preparing to snap shut. Danny threw his sword. “Tiora urna deide!” A fire spread around the silver blade cloaking it in a wild, blue flame. The sword landed a hit that went strait through count Van Rogue’s pale body. The vampire burst into a brilliant display of burning red fire. He vanished and a shadow took his place. At least it looked like just a shadow. It was three-dimensional and it took the shape of man. The strangest part was when it started speaking. “Very well done, human. You may have defeated him this time, but don’t worry, he’ll be back.” At that it disappeared.
A goblin came from behind. Danny reacted just in time to swirl around and swiftly sliced its head off with one swipe of his sword. The goblin fell with a thud onto the ground. He ran through the battlefield, jumped up, and stabbed an ogre in the back. The ogre fell backward. Danny jumped off its back before the mighty creature fell to the ground. Another ogre turned around and charged at Danny. He pulled out his bow and five arrows. He strung all five of them at once, pulled back the string, and fired. All the arrows hit the ogre in the chest.
The rest of the army fled, realizing that they couldn’t win. Out of the hundred men that were with Danny, at least seventy-five survived if not, more. That night Danny threw a party for their triumph over the Count’s army. Everybody in the town of Darkness Falls, the hometown of all his soldiers, came to the party. It was a happy occasion, but for some it was very depressing. Some had lost close family members that night, some of which Danny knew as a friend.
Danny woke early the next morning on the floor of the banquet room. Recalling yesterday’s events, Danny discovered a large scar across his arm. He suddenly remembered; his sword engulfed in flame, stabbing Count Van Rogue in the heart, his blood-curling screech as he fell, the shadow taken his place as he dissolved into the air. He forced himself to stop picturing the horrible scenes that were constantly playing in his head.
He stationed himself in his usual position on the throne. After an hour, one of the warriors that lived in the castle burst into the room. “Sir,” he said “there are intruders in the main room by the front gate! They could be up here any minute!” Danny drew his sword and rushed down the spiraling stairway. As he neared the bottom of the stairs, three large monsters stood in the room. They resembled goblins, but they were at least two feet taller. Each had a long blade that resembled a machete. There’s no way I’ll defeat all three of them, Danny thought. He charged at one of the beast, it lashed at him and knocked him down with one punch.
These monsters are tough. I better watch what I’m doing. He charged again, the monster swiped at Danny’s head. Danny ducked and slashed the monster in the side. The monster let out a roar that shook the castle and dropped to the ground. The other monsters charged at him, blades ready. He jumped up and slashed a monster in the shoulder blade. The remaining monster ran through the castle door in a hasty retreat. I’ll hunt that monster down. Danny vowed. No enemy will escape from me.
David, now twenty-seven years old, watched a buck eat a patch of grass. He strung his bow. I need to get this one. Aimed at its shoulder, and let go of the bowstring. The arrow flew across the space between David and the deer. The arrow hit its target. The deer ran about twenty feet and collapsed. “Gotcha.” David said. He walked over to were the deer lied. It was his fourth deer of the week but he needed to find more.
A monster jumped out of the brush. It resembled a goblin, but it looked at least two feet taller. Its armor was dented. It had a blade that looked like a machete. Whatever it was, it looked like by somebody, or something had been trying to kill it. The creature lunged at David, knocking him to the ground. David kicked the monster off him, and drew his sword. They lunged at each other. Their blades collided in an array of sparks as they tried to land a blow on the opposing combatant. To David the monster was almost equal to him [for he was not trained in the art of swordsmanship unlike his brother who was trained in these arts as a child].
The monster swiped with his blade, but David parried it. The monster threw a punch that sent David flying threw the air. David landed on his feet, slid his sword into its sheath, and drew his bow and four arrows. He dipped the arrows into a jar of poison. He aimed and fired at the monster. The monster dodged with lightning fast speed. The monster jolted to a stop and howled with pain. David stared at the monster and saw one of his arrows planted into its shoulder. It dashed away, afraid of any further damage.
Just as David began to calm down, a man jumped out of the brush, and ran in the direction the monster ran. Interested in what the man was doing, and why he was running in the direction the monster was, he decided to run after the man. They came to a halt in a small clearing. In the middle of the clearing stood the monster. The man turned around and faced him. “Where did you come from!” The man demanded. As soon as David saw his face, he recognized him. The man was none other than his older brother, Danny.
“Wait, don’t I know you?” he replied in a calm voice. “It’s me, David.” “Why were you following me?” “I saw you chasing the monster I was trying to kill.” “Follow my lead.” Danny replied. He started to creep into the clearing. He raised his sword above his head, and slashed the monster in the arm. It howled and turned around, drawing its blade. Danny stepped back a couple steps before he lashed at the monster. It jumped onto a tree branch, turned around, and ran from tree branch to tree branch.
“After it!” Danny cried. They rushed through the thick brush that made up most of the forest. The monster jumped off its branch and hit Danny in the head with a club. Danny dropped to ground making a grunting sound as the club hit him. The monster hollered in triumph. It turned around and darted into the brush. “We’re never going to catch it.” “Nonsense.” Danny replied. He pulled out a shining, black whistle from his pocket and blew. It made a sound that humans cannot hear, like a dog whistle, except it didn’t summon dogs. Instead a large, black dragon flew above their heads, and landed in the forest beside them.
Danny climbed up on the dragon’s back. “Hop on.’ Danny said. David climbed up onto the dragon’s back. The rough scales on its side scratched David’s arms and legs. “How…” David’s voice trailed off. “Grim gave her to me. Her name’s Shade. Up.” As soon as Danny said that, Shade crouched down, jumped, and began flying. David was surprised at how fast she flew. We’re so high up. David thought. I’ve never been higher than tree level before. Danny spotted the monster running. “Down.” Danny commanded. Shade started dipping down at an angle.
Shade swooped down, toward the monster. It screamed as Shade engulfed it in a brilliant display of blue flame. The fire left a pile of ash where the monster stood. The only thing that remained was the monsters melted armor and blade. Smoke rose from the steaming armor. “Good girl.” Danny said to Shade. She made a low rumbling sound from her throat. “Up.” Danny commanded. Shade once again rose to a high elevation.
They began flying back the way they came. “Where are we going?” David asked. “You’ll see, just wait.” They arrived at a magnificent palace. Danny stopped in what appeared to be a battlefield that was lined with bodies from a previous battle. A trumpet sounded. “The king has returned!” Yelled a man. They stopped at a large moat. The drawbridge lowered to ground level. Danny walked across it and stopped at a pair of double doors big enough to where a dragon could stand on its hind legs and its head wouldn’t even brush the top of the doorway.
They walked into a large room where various people and animals wandered about the room to reach their destinations. “Follow me and I’ll give you the grand tour. He continued to walk toward a large corridor. He turned to the first door to the right and swung it open. “This here is our courtroom. This is where people go on trial.” He opened the door to the left. “This is one of the many animal habitats in the castle.” The room had trees and ferns instead of furniture, and the animals of the residents that lived in castle, instead of people.
For the next three hours Danny showed David every room in the castle, and introduced him to some of the many residence of the mighty palace. The corridor stopped at the beginning of a mighty stairway. “This stairway leads to the throne room were I write royal decrees and watch battles.” David stared at the stairway in awe. “Follow me.” Danny said.
By the time they reached the top, David was out of breath. “I’ve never climbed that high in a long time.” “It’s great exercise.” Danny replied. Danny swung the door open. “Here is the throne room.” Danny said with pride. “Whoa.” David replied, shocked at the beauty of the magnificent throne. “Come on,” Danny said “Lets go eat dinner.”
At dinner Danny and David took a seat by a small group of men. “Good evening, Lord Daniel.” The elderly man in the right corner said. “Good evening, Elder Jahro.” Danny replied back. “I would like to introduce you to my younger brother, David. “Good evening, Master David.” The man named Jahro said. “Any word from Grim lately?” Danny said to Jahro. “We haven’t received any for a week.” “Well, tomorrow I’m going down there to see what’s going on. I’ll be leaving you in charge while I’m gone. I’ll give you a list of requirements as dictator.” “As you wish, Lord Daniel.” The old man replied. “Thank you, Elder.”
You wouldn’t believe who I saw on the battlefield today.” Danny said. “Who.” said another man sitting by Jahro said. Danny told them. Jahro’s face went pale. “Oh my.” He whispered. “This is bad. It’s very, very bad. There is no way he could be hit by lava with such force and live.” “You should tell Grim when you see him tomorrow.”
“Now,” said Danny, standing up. “I should get some sleep before I start traveling.” “Good night, Lord Daniel.” He turned to David. “Good night, Master David.” “Good night, Elder Jahro.” Both men replied. “Come on David, you may have the bedroom next to the throne room.” They walked up the winding staircase to the throne room. Danny opened up the door, and gasped.
Attack on the Throne Room
A large goblin stood in the middle of the throne room, staring blankly at them. Danny drew his sword and pointed it at the goblin. The goblin did the same with his blade: a double-bladed staff sheathed on his back. “Get out.” Danny ordered sternly. The goblin just stood there with a smirk look on its face. Danny stood scowling at the green beast standing in the room. “Get out or I’ll kill you!” Danny yelled angrily.
Danny jumped at the goblin, which swiftly dodged the attack, and jumped out the window. To David’s surprise, Danny followed it out the window. “Hondora nei!” Blue lightning shot out of Danny’s fingers and struck the goblin below. The shock sent two thousand volts of electricity into its spine and nervous system. The shock then jumped to its heart, killing it. The goblin fell limply to the ground.
Two more goblins began scaling the castle wall. Danny landed on one of the goblins. Its skull cracked from the impact of Danny’s cleats. Danny drew his sword and stabbed the other goblin in the back. The limp goblins and Danny fell to the ground. Danny landed softly on his feet while the goblins fell with a thud.
David looked out the window and saw five or more goblins repeatedly slamming a tree trunk into the castle door. How did they get past the moat? David thought. Then, David saw one of Danny’s crocodiles crawled out of the moat, bite onto its leg, and dragged it into the water. The goblin splashed and flailed in terror as the crocodile struggled to pull it under. Other crocodiles swam over and grabbed another goblin by the leg, dragging it under.
The log finally collapsed onto three goblins. Goblin bodies floated in the moat. This can’t be real. David thought. Suddenly three goblins bust down the door. Looks like it’s three against one. David thought. He drew his new, gold sword Danny gave him. He lunged at the small troop of goblins. One of the goblins slammed him across the room. What was that spell Danny used? He thought. “Tiora urna deide!” David’s gold sword became cloaked in a red flame. Not what I wanted, but this should do just fine. The goblins backed up a step.
David swung the blade and hit one of the stunned goblins. The hit landed, amputating its arm off. The goblin growled to the others. The other goblins jumped at him. He stabbed one in the heart and ducked as the still air born, alive goblin tried to chop his head off. He turned around and jabbed the still aflame sword into the goblin’s back.
The goblin with one arm stared at him. David stared back, waiting for it to make a move. David slashed at his legs. The goblin jumped in the air and came down, behind him. David swerved around and slashed at its waist. The goblin jumped back to avoid the blow. As soon as it landed, it bounced up and aimed its sword at David’s chest. David parried the blow and slashed the goblin in the leg. The goblin collapsed. David stuck the sword in the goblin’s back.
Danny picked himself off the ground, trying to regain his balance. He saw two more goblins climbing the tower to the throne room. I’ll need some reinforcements. He took out the black whistle, a gray whistle, and a tan whistle. He blew into each whistle. Three animals came to his side, Shade, a peregrine falcon, and a tan and white guinea pig.
“Pumpkin,” Danny replied to the guinea pig “leap onto the nearest goblin’s back and hurt him as you please.” Pumpkin did so, clawing and biting the goblin with mad fury. The goblin screamed and tried to knock Pumpkin off his back but Pumpkin was to fast. “Ace,” he replied to the falcon, “strike the goblin closest to the throne room window.” Danny hopped on Shade, and Ace proceeded to attack his target. “Up.” Danny commanded. Shade launched up in the air, spiraling above the castle. “Attack.” Danny commanded. Shade shot a jet of red flame at the nearest goblin.
The goblin fell off the tower onto another goblin. An arrow flew threw the air and hit a goblin in the back. The goblin fell at the feet of none other than Danny’s sister, Annie. Shade landed beside her. “How’d you get here!” Danny exclaimed. “I followed the scent of burnt flesh and assumed you were here.” She replied. “You know me so well.” He smiled at her. They began to run toward their enemies, slashing the goblins open as if they were made of paper. Shade flew above them scorching the goblins ‘till they were burnt to ash. “Danny, Danny, look out!” David yelled. Danny turned around.
An armada of winged goblins soared toward them carrying large rocks in their hands. They began to drop the boulders on the twins. Danny, and Annie began to dodge the boulders. One boulder landed on the ground, inches away from Danny’s face. He jumped back, startled. He heard a swoosh and looked up. A shinning, green dragon bit a goblin’s wings off, and threw it to the ground. The dragon landed on the ground in front of Danny and Annie. A rider in green armor jumped off his dragon. He took his helmet off. The rider was Danny’s friend John.
“John, what are you doing here!” Annie exclaimed. “I thought you back at the castle!” “No time to talk.” Danny said. “He we got a fight to win.” John put on his helmet and climbed up on Emerald’s back. Annie blew a red whistle and a green whistle. Amber flew down and landed beside Annie. She jumped on Amber’s back. Danny ran up and jumped on Shade’s back. The trio launched into the air. Shade raked her talons across a goblin’s wings. It screeched and plummeted to the ground.
Emerald barreled into a goblin, causing it to drop its boulder. The boulder hit another goblin, wiping its head clean off. He hit a third goblin in the stomach. All three fell to the ground limply. Another goblin fled in terror. Emerald chased it down, and amputated its head off.
Amber flew after the remainder of the winged goblins killing whichever goblins she came in contact with. Annie looked down and saw David’s wolf, ripping through goblins like scissors through paper. Near the castle, Danny pulled out a fourth whistle, and blew. An anaconda came slithering out of the castle, and began chasing away goblins. It snapped ferociously at the goblins’ legs. It caught one of the goblins on the ankle. It fell to the ground, thrashing, trying to kick the anaconda off him.
It snapped and bit ‘till the goblin lied motionless on the ground. It slithered towards another goblin, its eyes gleaming. It caught up and snapped his head forward, this time by the calf. The goblin immediately collapsed. Its bones cracked as its upper body weight came down on top of his lower body. The anaconda flicked its tongue in satisfaction.
It slithered back to the castle. They flew down to the ground. They jumped off their dragons and landed on the ground with a soft thud. David rejoined them quickly with his animals by his side. “Where in the name of Tiora did they come from!?” cried Annie. “I don’t know, but check this out.” Danny pulled a piece of clothe off of his sword. “The demon’s insignia.” Annie said.
They heard flapping and looked up. A blue pigeon flew lazily toward them. An icy blue piece of paper was tied to its ankle. “Hmm, what’s this?” Danny took the paper off. “It’s from Sally.”
The Note
Danny read the note over. It said: To my beloved friends, I am in grave danger and need dire assistance. The Count has attacked the castle and wiped out the entire Royal Army. I am the only one left and I cannot fend him off for long. If you obtain this letter, come immediately. On your way, go to Grim’s cavern in the Shadow Realm and tell him of my current status. Also, have the Masked Mutant come with you. If he asks, tell him Sally needs him, he’ll understand. Another thing, if Grim still has the spell book bring it with you. Maybe Annie has it. I don’t remember, well you get the point. I’m counting on you.
Sincerely, Sally Lustrous (Sally Lustrous).
Danny looked up. “Sally’s in trouble.” “What happened?” Annie said, alarmed. “The castle’s under attack. Goblins invaded and wiped out the entire Royal Army.” “That’s not good.” “Alright, here’s the plan.”
They all hopped on their dragons and headed for the Fire Realm entrance, near the ruins of the camp that belonged to the immense army lead by Count van Rouge. The ground was smoldering black from the blazing fires created by the great Lord Tiora himself. The groups’ numerous dragons landed lightly on the ground. They reluctantly jumped off their dragons’ backs. Danny drew his shining, red sword and slashed the crevice in the air.
The crevice opened up into a swirling, dark hole. All of them, including the dragons, stepped into the hole. The tunnel leading to the other side emitted bright colors that appeared in bright slashes that streaked across the tunnel walls and ceiling. Danny sheathed his sword. Shade grunted as she walked through. “What are we doing here, anyway?” Annie asked. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
“Can you please tell me.” Annie whined. “Don’t talk like that, you sound like your ten again.” Danny scolded. “Just tell me.” “When we reach the end.” “Come on.” “Your to impatient, Annie.” “No I’m not.” She said defensively. “I can’t take you seriously when your whining like a irritable, little brat.” She glared at him.
“Now I may tell you.” Annie rolled her eyes. “We’re here because, we need to get certain items, and certain people. Okay, David and John, you’ll go to the Masked Mutant’s base. Annie and I will go to Grim’s hideout for the spell book. David and John, you need to tell him Sally needs him. He’ll come along with you. Annie, just follow me, I’ll explain along the way.
Danny told Annie about Sally, and the condition of her position. She nodded attentively, listening to everything Danny said with great detail. They arrived on the road Danny had walked on his way to Grim’s hideout, the first day of his arrival years ago. They walked up to the spot where the road slid open, into a dark room. Danny bent down, and knocked. “Who’s there?” A gruff voice said. “Danny, and Annie.” He replied. A shadowy silhouette rose out of the ground. “Well it ain’t be.” He said. Danny and Annie. Look how mature you are.” “Well, one of us is mature.” Danny said, looking over at his sister.
“Won’t you guys ever stop fighting.” “I doubt it.” Danny replied. “Well it’s good to see you.” Danny grabbed his claw and shook. “I can’t believe your still here.” Annie said. “Yeah, well Tiora said I deserve it.” “You do.” Danny said. Danny could still remember the Masked Mutant sacrifice to protect him. “Come in you two.” He said, waving them in with his claws. They walked down the lengthy staircase, to a gruff-looking werewolf sitting on a stool.
“Danny, Annie, ‘s that you?” He asked. “Dolnier!” Annie said shrilly. “Come, on, Grim’s waiting.” And there he was, sitting at the old bar counter, the true first sage, the Grim Reaper. He looked up, into Danny’s eyes, and smiled. “Well look who’s here.” Annie ran up and hugged him. “Ah, young Annabel, I’ve completed the restoration of your battle-axe.” “That’s great, I can’t wait to use it.” She smiled evilly at Danny. He nodded.
Grim stood up, and floated toward the weapon closet. He opened up the door, and pulled a two-handed, brick red handled battle-axe, with a shining red blade. He handed it to her. Her eyes gleamed with joy and admiration. “Thank you so much, Grim.” “I had some help.” He nodded toward Dolnier. She ran over and hugged him. “No problem sweety.” He beamed at her.
“Eh-hem.” Danny annunciated. “We still need your help.” “Wait is it, my young apprentice.” “Uh… We need the spell book. Uh, Sally needs it.” “Oh shit!” Exclaimed the Masked Mutant. “What!” “I have to come with you guys, right away.” He shoved the worn book into Danny’s hands. “Come on!” He darted up the staircase, up into the ruined metropolis. Danny and Annie said their good byes to the men, and followed the mutant.
When they reached the top, he slashed a portal in the air with is large-clawed hand. They jumped into the portal, trying to keep up with the old veteran. “What’s the matter!” Danny yelled. “No time to explain, just get ready to fight… hard.” They jumped onto the top of the high, slanted hill that the Celestial Goddess’s Castle. They looked down upon hoards of goblins, winged and not struggling up the hill, gashes in their limbs.
Danny drew his sword, and looked at his sister. She had already had her axe in her hand, blade held above her head. Danny jumped off the hill, and Annie did the same. Danny’s sword came down on a goblins neck, decapitating it. Annie landed on a rocked jutting out the enormous mound, kicking a goblin to its demise. Danny continued to plummet, slashed goblins apart in a wake of slashes. His body emitted a faint flame. “Tiora soggen!” A flaming tornado erupted from his sword. Goblins dove off, some tried to dodge, some just took, hoping they’d survive. A mechanical hand rose up, and punched Danny in the face, send him up, then he fell to the ground. As the mysterious attacker landed on the ground with a seismic THUD!
Danny looked up, and spat blood at the attackers feet, because he was none other than first lieutenant, Grotto. He has rose in power, after John had amputated his hand in a battle, and was replaced with a new one. Grotto hovered over the fallen soldier, and aimed the ion ray in the center of his hand, at Danny’s head.
Then, they heard a battle cry, and a goblin fell out of the sky, and stabbed Grotto in the shoulder. He grabbed the goblin, and slammed him into the ground. Another fell out of the sky and tripped the gigantic villain. He slammed into the ground and a familiar, squeaky voice rang out: “Hey, watch where you fall, I’m a hemophiliac!”
“Mako?!” Danny cried. “Yeah, what of it?” Danny grinned at him. “This is going to be good.” He climbed to his feet, and dusted himself off. “Here’s your sword, hotshot.” Yuki said, handing him Burst Fire. “Mako, do you mind staying out of the fight?” “Does it keep me alive?” “Yes.” “Yes.”
“Alright, the Masked Mutant will escort you to the castle.” “Where is he?” Ironically, at that moment, the ghostly monster swooped out of the sky, and carried him back to the castle. Grotto climbed to his feet, and picked up his serrated blade. He swung at Danny, and he rolled dodged the swing and came up under his right arm. Grotto grabbed him by the head, and threw him into a pile of rubble. Iron and burnt wood flew everywhere, knocking goblins of the hill, including Yuki.
Yuki scrambled up, and picked up another by the collar of his robes. The goblin’s armor had burnt of, except his bronze helmet, and looked up fearfully at Yuki. Yuki threw him over his shoulder and carried him up the hill, to the castle. “What are you doing?” Danny yelled over the clanging of metal, and the screams of the wounding. “Recruiting!” Yuki said.
Danny shook his head and grinned. He had forgotten about Grotto, who had began advancing toward a battle-scarred David, fighting off a halve dozen goblins. He rose his blade up, prepared to strike.
-Danny Hulliung