Repercussions of the Past - April 8, 2011

 His name was unknown.  Only his codename, a name he was given by his commander, was "general information" as far as the agency was concerned.  This pilot was Wind Breaker.  He flew in his signature ship over the Atlantic, Storm Bearer.  He lowered the vizier on his helmet, and continued to his destination, now descending.  This would be his last mission, and he knew this full-minded, and did not fret with leaving anything behind.  His life, as well as his true name, remained a mystery, a figure in a cloud of fog, unapproachable, yet still. 
  The sides of the ceiling-less jet encased him, as he dove under the sea at the edge of western Europe.  His end was near, the final mission, but for all the right reasons.  He reached a chamber that was reserved for air carriers, but that was not a matter.  He stepped out of his aircraft, sober and calm as he strolled almost leisurely and reached a doorway.  He pulled out a gun, unnamed in general public, and blasted through the iron framed door.  "Marco."  He grimaced at his old enemy.  "I can't believe you're still alive after everything."  He still remembered the scar he received when Marco tried to kill him during the ski trip.  "I'm back to repay a favor Arnulfo is enable to deliver!"  He pulled out a sword and thrust at Marco.  Marco parried with his own, and leaped in the air.  He stabbed down, but Wind Breaker dodged.  Marco pulled his sword out of the ground, and slashed Wind Breaker across the chest. Wind Breaker fell to the ground in pain.
  This is it.  He thought.  I go down in vain. Then, as if on cue, the wall collapsed, and the old Austrian agent stepped through, a machine that once was mounted in one hand, and fired.  The bullets sprayed across the ground, and through Marco's legs.  As he collapsed, he glanced over at his old friend, Leopold, and smiled for the first time in years.  He grabbed is sword, and made for Marco.  He lifted the sword above his head, still grinning, but now maliciously.  "This isn't over, Daniel!"  Marco cried.  "Oh, yes,"  Danny said. "it is.......

-Danny Hulliung

Repercussions of the Past - Danny Hulliung

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