My Little Angel - March 1, 2011

Jenny Adams wove her way through the dark streets of New York as she searched for him. Charles. They have been corresponding by mail for 13 months and had now finally agreed to meet. She remembered her reaction when she found another letter from him on her mailbox months ago. She immediately grabbed the wrinkled envelope from the rusty metal box and ran up her stairs and to her messy room filled with photos of her Charles. Charles who had this beautiful messy blonde hair and deep green eyes that seemed to know her better than she knew herself. She had screamed with glee when she read those eight sweet words written in his crooked handwriting. "I want to see you, my little angel."
Now, as her hazel eyes scanned the darkness for Charles and failing each time to find him, she could feel her heart breaking into tiny little pieces. Her eyes begun to wet and her knees suddenly became wobbly. She had waited for this day for months. She had dressed her best and had even put make-up on even though she despised it and thought it was overrated.
Then she frozed. Out of the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of a man dressed in a dark coat walking his way over to her. She felt her spirit lift up and she suddenly begun to smooth out her wavy hair. Her hope continued to rise up as the man got closer and closer to her. Then it dropped. Her hope fell a million miles down the earth into the earth's core, melting and vanishing forever into the center of the earth. The man had, instead of coming up to her, walked passed her and out into wet pavement that stretched out behind her. She felt like bursting into tears. What is he didn't come? What if it was all a scam?
A few hours had passed and he still hadn't arrived. By the time the sun rised indicating the start of the new day, Jenny had given up. She walked back to her apartment and didn't once looked back. Her spirit was wasted and instead of feeling the deep love for him, the love she had felt last night, she felt nothing but hatred for him. She hated him with all her heart just as much as she loved him. She would be able to live her life and telling her children one day about Charles, the man who broke her heart and left her almost dying of heart break in the streets of New York.
When she arrived home, she immediately grabbed all the letters and photos that Charles had given her and stomped her way outside, planning to throw them away. But before she could, she glimpsed a crumpled piece of paper sticking out from her mailbox. She felt the unusual but familiar tremble on her body as she stood up to retrieve it. When she glanced down at the paper. There was no signature but the penmanship of the writer was a familiar crooked one. The words she read broke her heart and left her sitting on the wet grass clutching her chest so tight as if it was about to explode. She threw the piece of paper up into the air and for someone else to read in the future....

10 years later...
12 year old, Megan Jules ran around their yard, determined to catch the wrinkly white butterfly as it floated on the air. She ran, clutching her chest, for she had asthma and couldn't really breathe well. When she finally caught it, she found that it wasn't really a butterfly but a just a piece of old wrinkly paper. She was dissapointed but began to read it anyway. She didn't understand the background behind the words written in crooked little words but she knew that it must have broken someone's heart as it broke hers.
She ran inside her home to show it to her older sister whom she admired a lot. When her father read it, she saw him freeze up as if he had seen a ghost. She didn't dare ask him what the matter was.
The note read, "I'm sorry, my dear Jenny. I have lied to you. I'am not really the young man behind those photos I have sent you. I'am a married middle-aged man and I have 2 daughters. I'm sorry, I have deceived you badly and I hope you would forgive me. I did arrive at our meeting place last night. You might remember me as the man in the dark coat. But I couldn't bear to see you all glad at the sight of me and then suddenly see horror in your eyes when I confess to you the real truth. So I left, coward me. I really did love you. Me and my wife fell out of love years ago and I was desperate for a love of my own. I love you, my little angel, forever and always. I wish you the best."

-Rosy Belle

My Little Angel - Rosy Belle

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February 2011