Let it Rain - June 6, 2011
I sat in the crowded gymnasium, my eyes looking around the room, trying to find that one person. I searched and searched until I found him, in one of the corners, with a girl, kissing her. My heart was once again broken but it didn’t seem to make a difference anymore. I had grown used to heartbreak over the years I started crushing on him. It all started with one school trip, to the most romantic city, Paris. Personally I thought that that was the best school trip that had ever been on, because he was there with me. We went to Disneyland where I fell in love with him for the first time. For weeks after wards I denied the fact but then even I couldn’t deny it. I was in love and I couldn’t help it. He was the first guy that I had ever felt like this about and to be honest it scared me. I never thought I could feel this was until my eyes met his for the first time. It sounds cheesy but in Disneyland we went on every ride together. Every time he talked I couldn’t help but smile, everything he did or said was made to make me smile uncontrollably. But did I do anything about it? Nope. I sat there watching from a distance. A whole year passed we remained at our distance, only meeting eyes as we walked past each other in the school hallways. Now in a few days I would be graduating from high school and he still had a year left to go. I was only a couple months older than him because I was a grade ahead for my age. But age seemed to be the least of my problems.
I saw my two best friends approaching me and plastered a fake smile on my face, hoping it would work.
“Hey Mel” Kristy, one of my best friends, said as she walked up to me, her face slowly scrunching up as she read my face.
“What’s wrong?” Nicole, my other best friend, said as she went from happy to worry in a matter of seconds.
“The same as always” I told them as I stopped faking a smile knowing that I wasn’t fooling anyone, looking around to find him again.
“Mel come on, in a couple of days you won’t even have to see him again which will help you to get over him.” Kristy said.
“Kris is right Mel, I mean you spent an entire year secretly crushing on him and neither of you did anything. I took a chance with Brian and we’re together now. You still have time Mel.” Nicole said to me, hugging me lightly. Nicole had been my friend longer than Kristy had, but I could trust the both of them with my life. I became friends with Nicole in 7th grade when we ended being in all of our classes together and since then we’ve been best friends. Kristy came in the picture in 9th grade when she started dating a close friend of ours, Braden.
“Mel!!” Kristy said as she waved her hand in front of my eyes. “Earth to Mel” she said looking at me.
“Mel’s not here at the moment because she hates herself for not being pretty enough for him, leave a message after the beep...beeeepppp.” I told them, glumly.
“Hi, Mel it’s me Nicole and I just want to tell you to...snap out of it.” She said, half shouting the last four words.
I pouted at her as she turned her head around, trying to find her boyfriend. “I wonder where Brian is” she thought out loud.
“Nicky! Really, not making me feel better!” I said to her.
“Well sorry, Ms. Cranky pants, I can’t help that I’m in love” Nicole said, turning her eyes towards me again.
“Who’s my baby in love with? It better be me.” Brian said, smirking as he walked up to us with Braden.
“Of course it is baby” Nicole said as she turned around to face him, still having his arms around her. She stood up on her toes slightly as she pecked him lightly on his lips.
“I missed you” Brian said, having a goofy smile on his face.
“I missed you to” Nicole said as she pecked his lips again, lingering there for a minute.
“How’s my gorgeous girlfriend doing?” Braden said to Kristy, making her blush.
“She’s doing great, now that you’re here” she told him, leaning up to kiss his on his lips.
“Ugh guys! Get a room” I told them, feeling down at the fact that everyone but me had a boyfriend they loved.
“What’s up Mel?” Brian asked concerned as he was like a brother to me.
“The same as always” Nicole said as she let go of Brian and hugged me from the side.
“What should I do, Nicky? I’m head over heels for him and he doesn’t even know I exist.” I said to Nicole, tears welling up in my eyes, blocking my vision.
“Mel! If he doesn’t notice you then it’s his loss. You’re a beautiful girl, you’re smart, caring, and the best friend anyone could ask for.” Nicole said as she smiled at me. “And if Conner doesn’t see that well then he can go shove himself up a-” Nicole said but she got cut off.
“Calm down there beautiful” Brian said pulling her back towards him.
“Sorry Mel” Nicole said, smiling apologetically.
“It’s okay guys! Thanks but I think I’ll just head out now, I don’t want to ruin your dance.” I told them, trying to smile but failing.
“No Mel, you’re not ruining anything for us, c’mon stay.” Braden spoke up, as I looked over at him. “C’mon Mel he’s not worth ruining your entire dance for. You’ve got all of us here with you.” He said, showing a slight smile making me smile.
I walked into the very same gym, a year later for my younger sister’s graduation. I looked around that same gym I had spent years in. Following my parents to the seats set out for us. I had gotten into a university that I had always wanted to go into but somehow my heart wasn’t enjoying it. I still didn’t have a boyfriend and was lonely but I still had my best friends who were there for me whenever I needed them. As we sat waiting for the graduating class to enter the gym, I caught a glimpse of him, Conner. I had forgotten he would be here and suddenly every single emotion in my body spurred out as if it had been waiting. I blinked away my tears hoping no one would notice. The ceremony went on and soon we all stood outside. On the count of three, the graduating class three their hats in the air as I captured a picture to remember this moment. As I walked towards my sister I saw Conner and his parents smiling at each other, taking pictures. He looked over at me and smiled at me and slowly started walking towards me.
As an instant reaction I started panicking. He walked forward and stood in front of me, smiling.
“Congratulations!” I told him.
“Thanks” he replied, smiling. “Want to take a short walk?” he asked as he took me hand and led me forward when I nodded. “So I found out something quite interesting.”
I looked up at him in confusion, wondering what he was talking about. “What?” I said, barely audible.
He stopped walking and took my hands in his, looking at me in my eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He didn’t need to tell me what he was talking about cause I already knew. “I thought...I didn’t...I don’t know” I sighed looking down, not knowing what to tell him.
He smiled as he brought my head up again, looking into my eyes. “I wish you had told me” he said as I looked down again. “So I could have down this...” he trailed off, making me look up and caught off guard as he leant down and kissed me with such passion.
We pulled away after a while. I bit my bottom lip, trying to hide the amount of happiness in me.
“Wait, who told you?” I asked him, curiosity building inside of me.
“Well if I tell you, she’s going to kill me.” He said, smiling. “But I won’t mind now that I have you.”
“That sounds like Nicole!” I said, not being able to control my smile.
“Hmm...” he said, still looking into my eyes intensely as it started to rain lightly. “If this were a movie I’d say...I’m sorry I waited for the rain” he said, chuckling lightly
“And if it were I’d say...it’s okay” I told him, smiling uncontrollably.
“All I want to do right now is kiss you.” He said, smirking slightly.
“Well then what are you waiting for” I told him as he kissed me again, leaving me breathless, once again.
-Sania Sahgal