Kale - November 6, 2010

“It’s done.”

“You are a genius Professor Crewman. You will be remembered by all mankind.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions yet. We’re only half way through with our plan.”



The baby didn’t cry. She didn’t move. All she did was keep her eyes wide open looking at the blanket covering her eyes.

Mr. Squint opened his front door to get the newspaper. To his surprise there was a basket.

“Martha, someone left something for us,” Mr. Squint yelled to his wife as he carefully lifted the basket and brought it inside. He set on the table, and Mrs. Squint came to see what it was. Mr. Squint slowly lifted up the cloth over the basket expecting cookies, fresh baked bread, or vegetables from their neighbors.

“Oh my…” Mrs. Squint exclaimed, as she saw what it was, “It’s a baby!” Enclosed with the baby was a letter:






Dear Mr. and Mrs. Squint,

Meet Kale, your new baby.

Take good physical care of her. Teach her and help her grow as if she were a normal child. Make sure she attends public school. If mistakes are made use discipline. If any of these requirements are not met, you will be held responsible. If any problems appear that you can not fix without professional help please send us a holo at 296395-8902739. If anything is sent when no problems are happening you will be punished. 



The letter scared Mrs. Squint. Why would anyone give them a baby, and threaten them to take care of it?

“Kale, that’s a… unique name,” Mr. Squint commented, breaking Mrs. Squint’s train of thought. “Kale will make a great addition to our family!” Mr. Squint said, hiding his fear. He wondered you had left Kale here. Was it the government?

“We should go shopping right away to get the things this baby needs,” Mrs. Squint suggested, and they went.


“Kale, you need to go to school,” her mother told her in a calm reassuring voice.

“Mom, I’m smarter than my teacher. There is nothing left for me to learn from her,” Kale answered.

“Kale, stop that. Stop pretending you know more than your teacher. At least go to school so that you can see your friends,” her mother said, trying to be nice.

“I don’t have any friends…” Kale replied.

“What about Samantha?”

“She was just pretending to be my friend, so that she could copy all the answers on my homework and tests.”

“That can’t be true. She was so nice to you. Did you say something mean to her?” her mother asked.

“Why don’t ever believe me? I don’t know why, but I know I have never lied to anyone,” Kale told her.

“Kale, you stop this obscured babbling! Go to your room,” Mrs. Squint commanded.

Kale went to her room. No one ever believes me. I’m always right, yet no one ever believes me. She fell onto her bed and punched at her pillow. Why me? Why me? I hate school, and I am never going back. They’re all stupid inferior beings. I can’t be one of them, but I am… Aren’t I? She looked at her hands. She seemed human. Her parents were human. Why did she suddenly feel she was something else?

“She knows.”

“Professor, she’s only thirteen.”

“Only thirteen? She’s an enhanced being. Her level of brain capacity is greater than a college graduate. Soon I will retrieve her and teach her what she can really do.”

“Really do? Doesn’t she already know that she is really smart?”

“Do you remember when I was fooling around with animal DNA?”

“This doesn’t sound good.”

“Well, while I was enhancing the experiment’s brain while she was a baby I also combined feline DNA.”

“She’s part cat?”

“Yep. Except I have to make sure I show her how to transform before she figures out herself. If anyone else figures this out, were in jail –again- for sure.”











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Kale - Erised

Date: 02/28/2011

By: Pinquill girl

Subject: 0.0

I like it but the story doesn't seam to be connected you know?
Maybe if you added like "the aliens or the criminal convicts starred from far away as the alien child went to bed. They began to talk"
And at the beginning: and so they did take care of her though she was very different.
But these are just my own sugestions.
Kepp writing! I really like your stuff!

Date: 11/11/2010

By: Antonio

Subject: What?!

Is this the first chapter of a book or something? It seems like an intro.. not a complete story.

Date: 11/15/2010

By: Erised

Subject: Re: What?!

yeah... it was suposed to be a book but i got bored.