![](https://0294df1a65.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/cac7457575528f6734827141eced39b5/200000002-97e1798c62/Writers Unite Gallery.png?ph=0294df1a65)
Summer, the Beach Horse - July 22, 2010
I looked at Summer, my white and majestic horse, as he galloped with his freedom throughout the crowded... beach. Everyone was staring directly at Summer, the horse that roamed around the beach, but Summer and i stared right back at their astonished faces. To them, it was an awkward thing. To Summer, it was all normal; galloping around the beach. The people relaxing under their umbrellas and sun tanning on their beach towels were what abnormal meant to Summer. I laughed at their ingorance.
-Savannah J.