Jekyll and Hyde - July 7, 2011

Hello, i have started m own version of jekyll and hyde and i waa wondering wha you might thought of it:

Chapter 1
The point of opposite has always existed in all things in one way or the other, it’s all around us, fire and water, light and dark ... Good and Evil. They can never be separated. Ever. I am afraid that of which you are about to read is a tragedy that can never be compared too. You can never see a good mans intent because of the evil from which a good man had kept.
The year is 1856, and our story begins in the heart of London, where a light looms in the street of Stoke Avenue. Darkness creeps up the lampposts and is halted by the candle light, the wind weaves in and out of the tall pillars. Yet the darkness does not dare surround number 51. A good which is creating a monstrous evil, in the house of number 51...
“This is it!” He stared not just at the flask but through its purple colour and at the possibilities in which he can achieve with it. Paper work, drawings, figures, chemicals swarmed the room. The fireplace creating a shadow on the wall. His arm tilted backward. His jaw slowly opened like a gate. The top of the glass flask touched his lips which give a shiver down his spine. Then he did it. Whisking the flask backward, he gulped down the liquid and smashed the flask of the wall. A few seconds had passed and his head dropped with despair, “I feel no different, I should feel...” His head suddenly started pounding like a bell was trapped inside, banging off his skull. “This...feeling... what is... happening to me?!” Both hands pushing on his head, the shadow began to reveal a new form. His hair grew longer. His back, curled. He started collapsing around the room, shouting with rage and pain. The chair flew across the room, from the cry horrifying cry. Then there was stillness. A new, deformed shadow came onto the wall. An introduction of a deep, dark, ghastly laugh...

-Scott Arundel

Jekyll and Hyde - Scott Arundel

Date: 07/14/2011

By: Lady Stormparade

Subject: Nice

I like it. It's well written with one or two errors in grammar n spelling (sounding like an editor here, sorry!). It's pretty dark and twisted and once again, I like it.

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