In My Father's Eyes - January 21, 2011

In my father's eyes,I never measured up to the man he conjured up so many years ago
Diligently working, I strove, I wished, I dreamed I could have become that fellow that father wanted
In my father's eye isolation and alienation regin.  There is no peace and rest.  As I pray that I would be the best.  What am I trying to construct only to realize that I will destruct in my father's eye.
In my Father's eyes I find the acceptance that this stranger has been searching for.  Love shines through the cracks of an overwhelming darkness.
In my Father's eyes I am caressed by a love so grand for being the person I am, not as a figment of my fahter's imagination.  This amazing love clips the chains that hold me within this prison.  Out of the dark comes this ray of light and this stranger is free to fly into wholeness all within my Father's eye.



In My Father's Eyes - Bruce

Date: 02/10/2011

By: Paul

Subject: Dad

this is how my dad is....... he wished i played sports instead of writing books and focusing on art...... oh well

Date: 01/23/2011

By: Kiki

Subject: Forever Strong

Have you seen the movie Forever Strong? This poem reminds me of the boy and his dad's relationship. Good job!

Date: 02/10/2011

By: Aimee

Subject: Re: Forever Strong


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