In Memory Of: Colin A. Kidd - December 31, 2010

The black of night
And I never got to say goodbye
But you hear me now
Somewhere lost in the clouds
Those who knew you
Those who didn't still love you
The blood pours from my wrists and I think (okay I quit cutting it's okay)
Oh how I miss you
We do not understand
But we must comprehend that this is His plan
Sorrow drains from me now
I cry a river out loud
Why did you have to die without goodbye
I hear angels cry
But no matter what
Here's what I've become
A steady tear in an oh so silent night
I sit still
Reading the news over again
Tears run down my cheeks
Not yet twelve it makes me weak
The cancer swollowed you up
But at least now you hold the hand of God
I guess it happened for a reason
No telling what it may be
Broken hearted
Only to remember
You're with Jesus
He'll introduce us as angels
One day
One day...


In Memory Of: Colin A. Kidd - Molly

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