![](https://0294df1a65.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/cac7457575528f6734827141eced39b5/200000002-97e1798c62/Writers Unite Gallery.png?ph=0294df1a65)
I Wish I Were A Monkey - April 27, 2011
I wish I were a monkey,
They do have so much fun!
They're happy, hip and funky,
and tell horrendous puns.
They play all day, the keepers say;
No fees! No pay! That seems okay!
I wish I were a monkey!
I wish I were a monkey,
They do have so much fun!
They're getting fat and chunky,
on choc-banana buns!
They wheeze and don't say please;
They eat their cheese like honey bees!
I wish I were a monkey!