I Want - February 19, 2011

I want to be lost in the sea of your eyes.
I want to be the one hardest goodbye.
I want to be the loved one at the end.
I want us to have a fairytale without 'the end'.
I want something more than this friendship has to give.
I want you to be by my side each day that I live.
I want you to remain my best friend.
But I want us to love and never love again.
I know it seems too much to ask.
But knowing you, it'll be less than a task.


I Want - Molly

Date: 06/06/2012

By: your mom

Subject: wennies!

i think if he doesn't say anything that shows he's pretty shy, and really adores you, don't be afraid to make the first move with him, if you absolutely know for sure that he likes you, other wise if your getting wrong signals from him things could get awkward. good luck and happy trails with this boy ;)

Date: 02/19/2011

By: Jane

Subject: :(

I know a guy who likes me but wont say anything. Its so annoying!!! I WANT him to say something!!!

Date: 03/03/2011

By: Molly

Subject: Re: :(

ohhh yeah girl, i know how that is. it was like that with this guy for 2 years!! if he wont say anything, try being the first one to talk. it's scary, but it's worth it if he feels the same way :) good luck :)

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