Hateful Vines - December 18, 2010

It is woe
that troubles my heart
that dares to leave a mark
on a space I most hate
to blemish with the feeling

Oh you spiteful woe
to come shed your tears
out of my spineless eyes
that hold no strength in this
and I, no strength in tears

Oh why, why woe?
Why make me stare at your ugly face?
Why shatter my heart to pieces
and leave a blind girl
to put them back together?

Why did you have
to come with anger this time?
Why did you have
to intertwine both feelings?

So that when I think of my dear gone friend
my friend who took flight away
I think of how I never knew
until the farewells day
that he and one of my best friends
had been an item from the start

And no one had bothered;
No, no one had dared to care
about little old me knowing
and so in despair

In lovely lonely woe
I find hate to fester
Like ivy upon ivy
the two hurtful emotions
to always lie together

-Lady Stormparade

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Hateful Vines - Lady Stormparade

Date: 12/19/2010

By: Tess

Subject: ..

Did your friend die?

Date: 12/20/2010

By: Lady Stormparade

Subject: Re: ..

Did it sound that way? Sorry, I must have sounded like a drama queen when I tried to convey that he moved away. Sorry if you got the wrong idea.