Everything in Me - June 6, 2011
I walked out of the crowed London Heathrow airport, keeping my head down, avoiding the constant flashes from the cameras of paparazzi. I put my shades on and felt a tear slowly slide down my cheek. I quickly wiped it, making it seem as if I was just rubbing my cheek. I followed my security guard towards the car hired for me, and got into the back closing the door behind me, trying to hide behind the black windows. They only wanted a picture of me, because I knew the one and only Braden Samuels, the most famous singer out there right now. They all thought that he was my best friend, but he was my boyfriend. Key word: was...
I stepped out of the black Mercedes and walked on the short pathway towards my best friend’s apartment. As I stood outside her door, I felt tears coming back into my eyes. I slowly knocked gently on her cream wooden door. I heard two voices coming from inside, both of them belonging to my two best friends that I trusted with my life. I heard the door being unlocked, the safety chain hitting on one of the sides of the door frame. A couple seconds later the door opened and revealed my best friend, Naomi, standing there. A smile spread on her face as she saw me, opening the door wider and stepping out and hugging me stoutly.
“Oh my god, Coco! I can’t believe you’re finally here” she said, still hugging me.
A voice inside the apartment spoke up. “Who is it Abby” my other best friend, Emily said as she walked to the door, her eyes widening when she saw it was me and leaped on Naomi's back, hugging me as well.
“Guys, I can’t breathe” I said, chuckling lightly, forgetting my sadness for a moment. They let me go slowly, their eyes still jumping of joy started to sparkle.
“Sorry, I just missed you too much” Naomi said, wiping away a tear that had fallen down. “It’s been way to long girl” she said, getting a hold of my hand and pulling me in gently into the apartment. Emily closed the door behind us, locked it, and then walked back towards us. Naomi led me towards a huge beige coloured sofa in the centre of what seemed to be the living room. I dropped my bag in the corner and sat down next to her.
“How’s it been?” she asked, signalling her eyes to tell me what she meant.
“The same, I broke it off with him before I left.” I said, sighing and then trying to smile slightly at her.
Her face turned sympathetic as she read my face. “It’ll be okay hun; we’ll always be here for you. And so will Justin.” She said, hugging me from the side.
Justin was my newest best friend. He was another famous singer, but our friendship grew from just one unexpected meeting. God has a way of getting two people from completely different worlds meet.
It all started out in the summer, where I was visiting California for summer vacations. I was in the rented house near the beach, relaxing by the air conditioned house, when there was thudding on the door. I rushed over towards it and opened it when this blond haired boy rushed inside. I panicked as I was alone in the house. My eyes grew of shock when I realized who it was.
“Oh my god, you’re...you’re...” I said, stuttering.
“I’m Justin...Oh god! You’re not another fan are you?” He said, his forehead scrunching up in worry.
“Oh I’m a fan alright but not one of those screaming fans” I said, calmly at him even though I was freaking out inside.
“You have to be the first person, who hasn’t completely freaked out when they saw me. I like you” he said, starting to grin at me.
I smiled back at him, still staring at him. “But why are you in my house?” I asked, confusion building up.
“I was being chased by a whole load of fans and I don’t know where my security guard went.” He said, watching my face turn into shock. “I know it’s pretty sad.” He said, chuckling lightly.
“Well, you want to hang out till the crazy screaming fans go far away.” I asked him, lifting up my shoulders faintly.
“Why not” he replied and I led him to the backyard.
That’s how Justin and I met and soon after that we just became close. He wanted someone he could trust and I just needed a friend. The paparazzi found out about me when Justin wanted me on stage with him when he performed a special song that was very close to him. It was about his family that sadly weren’t together anymore. I held his hand whenever he sung that song to make him know that he has someone there for him. Everyone thought we were more than friends but neither of us thought that way about the other, we were just glad to have found each other as friends.
Now as I sat on Naomi’s living room couch, I felt the tears springing up again. “I couldn’t do it anymore.” I told her, a lonely tear falling down my bare cheek. “I just couldn’t.”
“I know honey, I know.” She said, rubbing my back to try and calm me down.
“Coco, we’re here for you always, and if you want I’ll go and beat the shit out of him for doing this to you.” Emily told her, causing a small smile to appear on the side of my lips.
“Em, he didn’t do anything, he can’t help who he is.” I told her, wiping the tear off my face.
“I don’t care; no one hurts my best friend and gets away with it.” She said while putting on an attitude full tone, moving her head around in a circular motion and snapping her fingers.
“Don’t do that ever again” Naomi told her, her eyes widening of disbelief.
“Alright girlfriend” Emily said, laughing.
“I missed you guys” I said, starting to chuckle, unable to stop the laughter from coming out.
“And we missed you” Naomi said as they both leaned forward to hug me from either side.
We sat there hugging each other and crying tears of joy when the doorbell rang. Naomi stood up to get the door, while Em and I sat on the couch waiting.
“Um Coco, Can you come here!” Naomi said, her voice shaking faintly.
I got up and walked towards the door, slowing down when I saw who stood at the doorway.
“What do you want?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
“To know why” Braden said, his voice filled with pain and hurt.
“To know why about what?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
“Court please can we talk” he said his voice packed with passion. “In private” He said looking at Emily and Naomi.
“We’ll leave you two alone.” Emily said, dragging Naomi with her.
“I love you Court and that will never change. Please tell me what’s wrong?” he asked sadly.
“You really want to know what’s wrong.” I asked him, he replied by nodding his head. “You’re always gone bray! I hardly ever see you with you gone touring most the time. I see girls jumping all over you and I’m not usually insecure but you make me like that. I can’t deal with the constant worry of whether you’re going to find a better girl than me, the constant thought going around in my head asking me when you’ll break up with me.” I said, tearing slowly falling down my cheeks. “Do you know how much it hurts to not be with the person you’re in love with? How much it hurts” I asked him.
“I do know how much it hurts, because I have to be away from you. I love you Court and I don’t care about the distance between us, I will always remain faithful to you. None of those girls mean anything other than fans to me; you’re the one I always want to be with.” He said, his eyes watering up as well.
‘Why is he crying? He never cries he’s always strong and bold. He has never broken down like this’ I thought to myself.
“Don’t cry.” I told him, lifting my hands up to his cheek, stroking it lightly with my thumb. “Never grow weak, for me” I said to him.
“How can I be strong when you’re not with me? You’ve kept me going Court. I need you to survive. I can’t live without you anymore. Please don’t leave me” he said.
“Bray, I don’t know. It won’t work out.” I told him miserably.
“We’ll make it work.” He told me, looking me in the eye as if he could see into my soul.
“How?” I asked puzzled.
He took both my hands in his and tightened his grip around them gently. “I didn’t have too much time to prepare for this but I have to do this now. So bear with me” he told me, meeting my bamboozled gaze. He bent one knee down and half sat on one knee. “I love you Courtney Brown, and I promise to love you with the same amount of passion as I do now and even more. You mean everything to me and I wouldn’t be here in this position, ready to commit to someone for the rest of my life.” he said, watching happy tears spring to my eyes. “Courtney Brown, will you do me the honour of being my wife?”He asked, taking a deep breath as he looked into my ocean blue eyes.
I took a deep breath as I looked back into his chocolate brown eyes. I opened my mouth to speak.
“Yes, yes, yes” came a voice that didn’t belong to me.
Braden and I turned to look behind me, seeing Naomi and Emily jumping up and down inside the apartment full of joy.
“Well I know their answer, but what’s yours?” he asked, chuckling and hopeful.
“Of course I’ll marry you, Mr. Braden Samuels.” I told him, a huge smile erupting on my face. “And I love you with everything in me, you better not break my heart” I told him, raising my eyebrows.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He said, standing up and bringing his arms around my waist and holding onto me tightly. “Soon, you’ll be Mrs. Courtney Samuels.”
“I like the sound of that” I said to him, leaning up and meeting his lavish lips with mine. I pulled away after a while. “I love you” I told him again.
“And I’ll love you till death do us apart” he said, leaning back down and kissing me with a mass of passion. He tightened his grip around my waist and if to tell me that he wasn’t going to let go anytime soon and I knew I had found my soul mate.
-Sania Sahgal