Darkness - November 28, 2010

Alone in a room,
Is it my own or someone else's?
I am unsure.

The lines between reality and fantasy combine.

Alone at school,
Do the teachers even care?
I can not recall.

Hypocrites speak but do not do.

Alone at a party,
Are these people my friends?
I do not know.

Faces and personalities seperate like oil and water.

I come to realize that I am alone.
Not because people push me away,
Because I choose to be a repelant.

Why do I chose this suffering?
This darkness?
Because I want to seperate? Differentiate?

Well, today is the day,
I choose to accept the love of others,
Without the pressure.

I can stand my ground without the isolation.
I will go out into the jungle of the world,
Meet other people, but...

Stay true to who I am.


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Darkness - Tess

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