![](https://0294df1a65.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/cac7457575528f6734827141eced39b5/200000002-97e1798c62/Writers Unite Gallery.png?ph=0294df1a65)
Childhood Reminiscing - June 26, 2010
I remember when life was so simple,
All I had to do was smile and show my left dimple.
No work, just play every single day.
I remember when life was so easy,
All I had to do was flow with the breezy.
No school, just play cool every single day.
I remember when life was love,
All my friends would reach down from above.
No complications, just vacations every single day.
Life was so simple, easy and full of love,
And now childhood is all I can think of.