Brownies - September 13, 2010

If I had three wishes,
I would waste them all on
Chocolately and delicious
Warm and chewy
Anything by nutritious,

-Chelsea B

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Brownies - Chelsea B

Date: 10/03/2010

By: Crystal

Subject: Diet

I've been dieting lately. Trying to say no to every treat I'm offered... but brownies sound sooo good right now!!!

Date: 09/16/2010

By: Antonio

Subject: Yum

That was such a good poem, I think I'll eat a brownie right now!

Date: 09/21/2010

By: Chelsea B

Subject: Re: Yum

Lol thanks. I was eating brownies my boyfriend got me when I wrote this. It's a joke really, but I thought it was cute.