Between Two Lungs - November 27, 2010

0.1, preface
Kalli. Meaning: Most beautiful. Yeah, right.

1.DING! DING! DING! I swear the alarm on my clock is the most annoying sound I have ever heard. I turn it off and rest for a little more, I haven't had any sleep all night. I hear stomping on the steps...oh no..."Kalli, wake up, it's a beautiful day in Pennsylvania!" Mom said, in her unusually perky voice. She might be perky because she can't wait for me to get going to school, I've been bugging her all summer with "I'm Bored's" and "It's too hot". She just loves to make sure I'm up and make me even more annoyed.
"Can you please let me have five more minutes?" I asked, "It's already 6:40...better get movin'." I moan into my pillow, realizing that I've slept in for about ten minutes. It's still a little dark out. I slowly get out of bed, stretching with a loud and disturbing yawn. Before I get to the bathroom, the nerves kick in. This is my first day of high school, I have no idea where anything is at, what if the teachers are mean? what if I can't get my combination right? I've survived middle school without having my lock on the locker. I hope I don't cry, calm down, Kalli. Calm down, remember what your therapist told you. What if you aren't allowed dressing into the bathroom stalls in the locker room? I have to dress in there, I can't let the other girls see the rolls on my stomach or my dry, wobbly knees, or have them see the abnormality of my body, the way that my b cup boobs don't really go with my skinny long legs. It's bad enough that they have to see my face.
I flush, wash my hands, look in the mirror, trying to smooth out my frizzy hair. I hate my hair now, it used to look like supermodel hair, perfect in every way. It was long and shiny. Now it's frizzy because of a stupid decision to get a perm. They said it would last for about two months, it has been nine months since I've gotten the perm. I pull on my brand new jeans that mom bought for me at Walmart with my new top that she bought from Kohl's. My mom hates going school shopping with me, everything that she likes, I hate. The top she bought me is actually kinda pretty though. It's gathered at the bottom, it has puffy sleeves and flowers on it. Very feminine.
I put part of my hair up into a scrunchy and leave the rest down. I tie my shoes that go perfectly with my Santa socks and I'm ready. My sister walks down the stairs as if it were her big entrance to prom or something, like in the movies. Her hair is straightened to perfection and she's wearing too much eye make-up. She's one of those girls who change everything about them as soon as they start middle school. She used to be my best friend. Well, she's still my best friend, but she's changed, she has hung out with girls that are the bad girls, the girls who I loathe. The girls that only wear an outfit once and from very expensive and stylish brands. Their clothes aren't very stylish to me at all. Why would you spend fifty dollars on a shirt that has Hollister 1987 plastered on the front, escpecially if you were only going to wear it once. Those girls are cheerleaders too. Ewww, I hate cheerleaders so much. You can so tell that I am an outcast. Some cheerleaders are jerks, making fun of people that are below them, it's plain ridiculous.

-Lacie Solt


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Between Two Lungs - Lacie Solt

Date: 11/28/2010

By: Gigi

Subject: So good!

I want to read more!

Date: 11/28/2010

By: Lacie

Subject: Re: So good!


Date: 11/28/2010

By: Lacie

Subject: Re: So good!

Are you sure its that good?

Date: 01/17/2011

By: Gigi

Subject: Re: Re: So good!
