![](https://0294df1a65.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/cac7457575528f6734827141eced39b5/200000002-97e1798c62/Writers Unite Gallery.png?ph=0294df1a65)
Bare Pink Walls - April 12, 2011
As the sun begins to set, shadows begin to dance across the bare pink walls. The ticking of the clock covers the noise of the shallow breaths that come from the room with the bare pink walls. Darker the sky grows as the breaths are being held in. Hours wined downinto minutes as the time flies by. The walls become black s the sun finally sets. A tear falls as the front door opens. The breaths coming from within the room with the bare pink walls quickens and a small hand quickly wipes the tear away. As the foot steps grow closer to the door, a small body moves to the bed. Lights fills the room but quickly disappears as the door is pulled shut. The foot steps move to the spot of were the bed is. Tears are being faught as the bed moves back and forward. This once happy pink room is now a room of despair as the little girl begins to cry as her step-father does what he says a dad should do.