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Baby Girl - August 24, 2010
Continued from "The Bear and The Book"
Rachael sits down on the edge of her bed. She opens the story book. She reads about the prince and princess at the magical castle, and their adventures with the little caterpillar. Then her little brother Jayson walks in the room.
“Hey sissy, what are you doing?” He asked.
“Reading our old story book. “The Little Caterpillar.” She replied.
“Oh. I love that story. Will you read it to me, please?”
“Okay.” she said as she chuckled.
“Once upon a time, there was a magical castle. And in it lived a beautiful princess and a handsome prince. They were brother and sister. They had lots of fun together. They liked to play outside in the sunshine, and then at night time watch the stars. One day they found a caterpillar. They gave it a name and decided to keep it. The prince and princess played with the caterpillar everyday in the sunshine, and watched the stars with it at night. But then one day, they couldn't find the caterpillar. It had gone away. The prince and princess were sad for a few days, but then they weren't sad anymore. Sometimes they missed their little caterpillar, but they still had fun without it. They still played in the sunshine, and watched the starts at night.” Rachael read.
Jayson smiled from ear to ear. The smile was contagious. Rachael smiled, too. Suddenly, the phone rang. Rachael picked it up and answered it.
“Hello?” She asked.
“Rachael, it's Xander ca-”
“Why are you calling me?!” Rachael screamed.
“I want to talk about what happened, please.” Xander pleaded.
“And why should I give you a chance?!”
“Because I gave you one. When you stood me up.”
Rachael's thoughts get shattered. Her eyes widen. She gives in.
“Okay, fine. Meet me in the park at 5. This is your only chance.”
Rachael hangs up the phone, and sighs. Jayson asks her who it was, but Rachael simply ignores him. Jayson runs along, and Rachael begins to get ready. She looks out the window and sees a steady snow shower. She bundles up nicely and leaves.
-Nick Alexander
In the park she sees Xander sitting on a bench. Rachael walks up and sits down beside him.
“Okay, so what's your explanation?” Rachael asked.
“Rachael you have to believe me.,” Xander pleaded, “She came onto me. And like what I did to you. My senses took over and I lost my conscious mind. You know you regret what we did. And I regret what me and Ashley did. Me and her have dated a few times before, and she always wanted sex, but I always turned her down. But once she heard I put you to bed, she got jealous and wanted some, too. So she came to my house after school, and started coming on to me. I kept telling her no, no, and no. But she didn't listen. She backed me into a corner and started kissing me. That's when I lost control. And I lost my thought. Rae, you have to believe me.” Xander explains.
“I don't know, I want so much to believe you, but I just don't know.” Rachael stated,
It wasn't until she saw the tear drop run from the middle of his eye, to the corner, down his cheek, and then fall to the ground that she really believed him. She stood up in front of him, gazing into his deep, lime colored eyes. She wraps her arms around his waste and cries into his shoulder. They stand there in the cold snow shower, in a deep meaningful hug. Rachael pulls back, looks into his eyes again, and pulls him into a deep passionate kiss. Rachael's mind blanks from reality. She sees lights, and hears music. She's imagining the Homecoming Dance. Where they shared their first kiss. Xander had imagined the same thing. The couple began to dance In the snowy park.
A week passes by, and Xander starts noticing Rachael seemed to fit more snugly in her clothing. Of course he didn't want to ask her about it because she may get offended. He ignores it. Later on at lunch, Rachael gets sick. She runs to the bathroom and vomits. She figured it was just something she'd eaten. Xander believed the same. But as the weeks go by, her clothes get more and more snug, and she gets sick repeatedly. Xander sits and thinks. He remembers that they didn't use protection after the dance. Rachael was pregnant! Xander, after school one day, went out and bought a pregnancy test. He gave it to Rachael and made her take it. The few moments it takes to process were like decades. Finally the results came in. The small LCD screen displayed a “+” which meant she was pregnant. In those few seconds Rachael's world fell apart. She fainted on Xander's bathroom floor. Xander picked her up and laid her on the couch. He waited, and after fifteen minutes Rachael woke up. Xander explains what happened. Then they began to talk.
“So do you want to keep it?” Rachael asked.
“We are NOT killing that child!” Xander exclaimed.
“I'm so glad you feel that way.” said Rachael.
“Well, you know we have to tell our parents, right?” Xander said sorrowfully.
“Yea, I know. This is going to be hard.” Rachael said regretfully.
“Well, we should both be there when the other tells their parents, just as a support thing.” Rachael added.
“I agree.” Xander stated.
“Do you... want to go tell my mom now?” Rachael asked nervously.
“Well, the sooner the better.” Xander said also nervously.
The couple walk back to Rachael's house. They walk inside and tell Mrs. Harper they need to talk to her. Rachael sends JJ to go watch TV while they talk.
“Mom, somethings happened.” Rachael started.
“Well, what is it? You know you can tell me anything sweetheart.” Mrs. Harper said.
“Well, mom, I'm -” Rachael started.
“She's pregnant with my child.” Xander spurts out.
Mrs. Harper's jaw dropped. She was speechless. And fighting for breath.
“How... How.. How.. When did this happen?” Mrs. Harper fought to ask.
“The night of the New Years' Dance, mom.”
“Mrs. Harper I know this seems bad, but we're keeping and raising this child. She should be due around summer time, and then we can raise our child then. And then we'll both be seniors. And, Mrs. Harper, we want you to be the Godmother.” Xander stated.
“Okay, we're going to the doctor tomorrow, and see what they say about all this. This isn't something to be mad over. I wish it wasn't true, but I can't help that. And now I have to ensure my Grandchild and my Godchild will be safe, loved, and nurtured.” Mrs. Harper said with a smile.
“I love you so much mommy. I knew you'd understand. But I am SO sorry this ever happened. We both are. It was never supposed to.” Rachael stated, “But now we have to go tell Xander's parents. So I'll be back in a little bit. Love you.”
The couple walks up the small driveway and enter the house. They see Mr. and Mrs. Trace sitting at the bar in the kitchen. They walk up to them.
“There's something we have to tell you” Xander and Rachael say simultaneously.
“What is it?” Mr. Trace asked.
“Well, Dad... Ra-” Xander was cut off.
“I'm pregnant with your son's kid.” Rachael spouts off, as Xander did to her mom.
Mrs. Trace faints and falls backwards off her bar stool. Mr. Trace is too in shock to even realize. Moments later Mrs. Trace gets back up.
“Do what, now?” Mrs. Trace asked.
“I'm pregnant.” Rachael started,
“And it's my kid.” Xander finished.
“Tomorrow my mom is taking me to the doctor to be examined and get all the details and suggestions and what not.” Rachael added in.
“Okay, well, I'm telling you. We'll help a little bit, but this is your responsibility. You two were responsible enough to make the baby without getting caught, so you can be responsible enough to care for it.” Mr. Trace said.
The next day Xander, JJ, Rachael, and Mrs. Harper load up in her SUV. They drive to Viewpoint Medical Center. They walk inside and check in with the receptionist. Mrs. Harper is given a form to fill out. After everything is filled out and entered, Rachael is called back into the examination room. The group of four stroll into the room. The doctor greets everyone, and introductions take place. They explain the situation and begin the examination. The first thing they do is an ultrasound. They see the fetus, just barely beginning to grow. They tell her they can know the gender within the next two or three months. They do a few other tests and go through routine questions. The examination is concluded and she's prescribed prenatal vitamins. And her next appointment is set for two months later.
The two months pass by like seconds. Rachael begins to really show her pregnancy. They go in for the examination. The doctor confirms that the pregnancy is going well and the prenatal vitamins are doing their job. They ultrasound her again, and learn that the baby is a boy. From that second on Xander and Rachael begin name selection.
The summer months come, and Rachael nears her due date. Both Xander and Rachael call in family for this event. It's very special because, not only is their baby being born, but they are getting married. They decided they wanted to be married at least before the baby was born. So they made arrangements. The families come together in the park. The park is where everything started, and where everything was fixed. The couple goes through their vows, and through the ministerial service. Then, that faithful moment came.
“You may kiss the Bride.” the minister spoke.
And with that kiss, the rest of their lives began. They were newlyweds about to birth a child. It was a very emotional time. But at least family was there. And the two families mixed very well. Then it happened. It was mid-afternoon on a Monday. Rachael's water broke. They rushed her to Viewpoint Medical Center. She is immediately sent to Labor/Delivery. She's then prepped for child birth. They start measuring contractions. They decide that they can pull off an all natural birth. Rachael was one of the hospital's fastest deliverers. No more than two hours after they arrived at the hospital, Xander and Rachael Trace's newborn baby was in Rachael's arms. The nurse was filling out the birth certificate information: “Time of Birth – 4:27 p.m. Date of Birth – July 12, 2011. Name - “ She came to a blank.
“Have you decided on the name yet?” the nurse asked.
Xander and Rachael look at each other.
“Isaiah,” Rachael started,
“Samuel,” Xander continued,
“- James,” Rachael added,
“Trace” they said simultaneously.
The nurse looked down and smiled, as she continued filling out the forms: “Name – Isaiah Samuel-James Trace.”
The couple raised their little Isaiah through the summer months, and then during school, Isaiah's Godmother took over. The end of Senior year came. Xander and Rachael both graduated. They found good jobs, and a nice affordable home for themselves. After they settled down, Rachael sat down, one day, at the desk. She pulls out a piece of paper and a pen. She starts writing:
“ Dear Daddy,
I miss you very much. But I know you're here with me, and are with me wherever I go. Just recently I graduated high school. And before that I got married and had a lovely baby boy, Isaiah Samuel-James Trace. He looks just like the pictures of you grandma showed me when you were a baby. Daddy. I just want you to know I miss you and love you. And if I disappointed you by having a child this soon, I'm going to make up for it by raising him right. Daddy, I love you. And miss you.
R.I.P. John Edward Harper,
Loving Father and Husband,
June. 22. 2008.
You're dearly missed.
Your Baby Girl
Rachael puts the letter in an envelope and puts it in Isaiah's baby book. She walks over to Xander who was holding their baby. She kissed both of them. This was the start of a very happy family.