Art of Trying - November 27, 2010

A clinic raging with antsy nail-biters and magazine-page turners
The posters on wall advertising their services, advertising diseases
Unfortunate for them to crave naturalism
To stop dead in your tracks at the diaper isle, the rosy cheeks taunting
To dry heave your motherhood
They come to the office, anticipating morning sickness and chubby infants
They leave with their kits of pocket hormones
To a home of reason and last resort
They’ll be swimming in urine and sticks and television specials, online articles, success stories
They’ll be drowning in hope
Locked in this room together, waiting for a white-coated saviour
Thinking we are all different
Knowing we are all the same
Fruitless, cold wombs screaming out their utmost fears; you worthless woman
I wonder how these barren women can stand an air so pregnant

-Kortnee Tilson

Topic: Art of Trying - Kortnee Tilson

Date: 12/02/2010

By: murphy

Subject: moving

This poem is disturbing and moving and touching and so, so sad. I just had my first baby a few months ago, and tho I am lucky not to struggle with infertility this still resonates with me very much. At first I thought it was about abortion, but in the middle and end it became clear its about infertility. This is very good writing.

Date: 11/28/2010

By: Tess

Subject: ?

Can you explain the meaning of this poem? I'm a little confused.

Date: 11/28/2010

By: Kortnee (author)

Subject: Re: ?

It's in the perspective of an infirtile woman. She's observing and analyzing the other women around her, presumably all at a fertility clinic.

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