Angry Lonely Girl - June 28, 2011

i hate my life, i scream and yell
the inside blows,and heats like hell
i love my highs, they make me smile.
they mask the ache, for a little while.
They go to sleep, i stay awake !
and dream of days, the world will sahke.
my mind is pain and with pain i see
the black of those screams,
deepwithin me, they need to escape
they need to leave me soul
so i can be one again
so i can be whole.



Angry Lonely Girl - mami.t.mate

Date: 03/03/2012

By: Alli Rose

Subject: I Feel Proud

I feel proud that everywhere you go you see one Christian person who is right and knows how you feel. Thank you for the beautiful poem. Please write more! :D

Date: 06/29/2011

By: lil

Subject: <3

Don't hate yourself! You are a wonderful creation of God, and God doesn't make anything worthless. It's really hard being a teen, but if you pray to your father above you can over come depression and fear. Even if you are not religious I hope you come to realize your worth! You are a human, your life is priceless! If you were to disapear, many would be sad. If you were hurt, you would be rushed to the hosipital, because you are worth it!

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